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Welcome to Strategychallenge!
This is the homepage of some multiplayer internet strategy games. No downloads necessary, the games are playable in a standard web browser, free of charge.

Fantasy Challenge is a power struggle between armies of fantasy creatures, inspired by the Titan boardgame.

Noble Challenge is an attempt to bring some of the depth and glory of play-by-mail games into an online game.

More information can be found on the pages for each game.


Not much happening here at the moment
Saeter on Thursday 22 June 2023 - 10:43:31 | Read/Post Comment: 0

Unfortunately there has not been any further development of this site for several years, due to lack of time.

Maybe in the future, who knows...

Strategychallenge is back
Saeter on Sunday 12 December 2010 - 17:24:22 | Read/Post Comment: 0

After some security problems with the e107 website system (which strategychallenge is based on) I closed the site for a while, but as you can see it is now back.

Currently user signup is still closed, and no new games are scheduled. If you're interested in these games, let me know through the "contact us" page.

The return of Fantasy Challenge
Saeter on Saturday 23 May 2009 - 10:54:12 | Read/Post Comment: 0

My previous game Fantasy Challenge is now starting up again. Have a look at the rules and let me know if you're interested in playing.

From my point of view it has already been a success with 18 finished games and hundreds of exciting hours spent by me and the players. But if more enjoyment can be had from it, that's even better.

The beta test session has finished
Saeter on Wednesday 30 May 2007 - 09:19:10 | Read/Post Comment: 0
Dúnedain (Johan) won the beta test Noble Challenge session. The Master Wizard Ciryon summoned Total Power in Centor during tick 1129. Dúnedain had 13 victorypoints which was more than enough.

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